"Beauty fades. That is why it is beautiful."

“Desperate creatures are the most dangerous.”

origin | trespasser
nature | intense
boundary | desert caverns
size | unassuming

uncommon traits | bold markings, dark mask, stripes, cropped tail, false ears, socks, claws, eyespots, shaggy, spurs, tail-tip marking
rare traits | none
nature features | sand, desert ironwood (olneya tesota)
elementals | molten sand

original form | coyote

The Desert Coyote


The Desert Coyote



In the vast expanse of the Arizona wilderness, a lone Coyote wandered the land, Arkahn...

With his nose trailing the ground and his ears perked for any sense of sound, he roamed the desert sands in search of prey. The sun beat down mercilessly on the rocky terrain, casting long shadows across the landscape.

Arkahn’s keen eyes scanned the desert, in search of any movement. His nose sniffed the air once more and the faint scent of a rabbit lingered. Intrigued, Arkahn followed the scent, his paws drifting quickly and quietly across the sand. The scent led him to a hidden cavern nestled within the rocky cliffs. It was a tight squeeze, but Arkahn nestled his way between the rocks into the cavern.

The roof of the cavern was low and the coyote had to crouch. The scent was strong and eagerly, Arkahn pushed on deeper into the cavern. It was damp and musty and Arkahn kept his senses on high alert as he ventured deeper into the cavern, the jagged walls seemed to close in as he got closer and closer to the scent.

Nearing the back of the cavern and where the scent was the strongest, Arkahn stumbled upon a rabbit, she turned to him with fear in her eyes as he licked his jowls. All at once, he lunged for the rabbit just as she darted between his legs. The cavern was tight but just wide enough for him to turn around and give chase, his claws scraping against the stone. He dug them in deeper as he clamored to catch up to the rabbit. The light was getting brighter as the neared the entrance. His paws we just a beat behind the rabbit as he gained on it, closer and closer until…

The ground began to tremble beneath the coyote's feet, causing loose rocks to cascade down from the ceiling. Panicked, the coyote now ran for the entrance not to get to the rabbit but instead to flee, but it was too late, or he was too slow. Just as the rabbit breached the fresh air a deafening roar rumbled around the coyote as the cavern collapsed in on itself, trapping the terrified Arkahn beneath tons of rock and debris.

As the dust settled and the echoes of the collapse faded away, the coyote lay trapped beneath the rubble, its paws and legs pinned beneath the massive stones. In the darkness, Arkahn whimpered in pain and fear, his heart pounding in his chest as he struggled to catch its breath. His legs were broken and the stones that lay atop him made is hard for him to breathe.

Arkahn struggled with what strength he had left but the debris didn’t budge. He snapped at the air around him, trying to find purchase in something, anything that could help him free himself. As his energy faded, and he felt all hope was lost, he gave into the thought that this was his end. He stopped struggling and took small, shallow breaths, lying his head on the stone and closing his eyes.

As his breath became more and more shallow, a gentle voice echoed through the cavern, soothing the coyote's battered spirit. The rocks shifted around him and light shon from above as the large rocks that had crushed him were lifted and a giant esk appeared before the injured coyote, its reddish fur shimmering with a soft, otherworldly light. The Esk reached out a giant paw to the coyote, offering comfort and solace in Arkahn’s darkest hour. It was too late for him. The coyote was paralyzed and though the weight was lifted from his chest, his breathing did not get stronger. Blood pooled around him and leaked from his mouth.

"Do not fear, little one," the giant esk spoke, its booming voice calm and reassuring. "I am here to guide you on a journey beyond the bounds of mortality. Trust in me.”

With a gentle touch, the giant esk enveloped the coyote in a warm embrace, lifting its broken body from the rubble and carrying it through the walls of the collapsed cavern. As the giant esk cleared the rubble before them, the coyote felt a strange sensation wash over it, as if its very essence was being transformed in ways it could not comprehend.

As they emerged on the other side, the giant esk set him down. Akahn realized that his legs were no longer broken and he took in a deep breath of the fresh desert air. He looked around with unblinking eyes, the sun was setting and the sky above was a brilliant tapestry of colors, with clouds that shifted and changed like living paintings. Sand fell around him as his shook out his fur.

The giant esk smiled down at the coyote, now transformed, his eyes twinkling with boundless compassion. "My name is Kahlo.” The giant esk introduced himself. "Embrace your new form, dear one, and let your spirit soar."

The coyote knew not what to say. Overwhelmed by its new existence, the coyote hesitated, unsure of what to do with its newfound life. In his new form, hot molten sand dripped from his coat and laced his body like reigns. A ball of multan sand hovered above his head and lit the ends of the sticks that poked out from his fur. “Thank you…” Was all he mustered to say to the giant esk, Kahlo, that stood before him. And he was thankful, but something else burned within him.

Arkahn’s mind was racing, he knew not what to feel. He spent the next few days exploring the vast expanse of the Arizona desert, reveling in the freedom and serenity that surrounded it. He no longer hungered nor did he fear or feel pain but the pain of what had happened to him lingered in his mind.

Kahlo gave the coyote his space. Any time he’d tried to approach over the days since the transformation he was snapped at and chased off. As time passed, Arkahn began to feel a sense of longing deep within his soul. He missed the thrill of the hunt, the adrenaline rush of the chase, and the satisfaction of a well-earned meal. Despite the beauty of its new form, he could not shake the feeling that something vital was missing from his existence.

One day, as the coyote wandered through a sunlit canyon, he thought to himself. He felt lost and disconnected from the world he once called home. He was both upset by his new existences limitations, yet grateful for it in a strange way, for he knew that death could have meant an end to his consciousness.

As the Arkahn continued to drift aimlessly through the canyons, the large esk named Kahlo found him once again. Cautiously approaching the coyote, Kahlo spoke in a deep and resonant voice, "I see you are lost and struggling, my friend.” He started. Arkahn did not snap at him nor did he try to chase him off this time so he continued. “ I am here to help you find your footing as an esk in this world." Kahlo offered.

Arkahn scrunched his nose, the molten sand glowing and falling around him as the sun fell behind the canyon walls. “Fine.” He said finally, after weeks of chasing Kahlo off, Arkahn decided that perhaps he did need guidance, for aimlessly wandering the desert caverns with no sense of purpose only led him to be more and more spiteful of his existence.

And so, Kahlo and Arkahn began their journey through the together, and under the watchful eye of his creator, the coyote’s spirit lived on, forever bound to the expanse of the desert, where it could roam free and unfettered. What he had planned for his new existence was still unknown to him, but in time and with Kahlo’s guidance he would discover the opportunities that lie within his new existence.

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Reference Art



Reference Art

Creator: Kahlo #1947

Arkahn has transformed the following Esk...




Reference Art



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DRawing Notes

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