"Beauty fades. That is why it is beautiful."

"In your arms, I feel safe and secure."

origin | traveler
nature | lumbering
boundary | vast desert
size | monumental

uncommon traits | eyespots, shaggy, blaze, stripes/spots, bold markings, socks
rare traits | none
nature features | rock formations, moss, petals
accessories | runes

original form | horse

The Desert Guide

Kahlo is the watcher of the desert...

The Desert Guide

...using this “gift” that has been bestowed upon him to watch over all organic life in the Desert of which his boundary resides. Kahlo will often be seen watching over or traveling with herds or groups of other animals and even people, ensuring safe passage through the rough desert to any that dare cross it. He is fiercely loyal and because of this holds on dearly to the piece of his past life.


Kahlo was a horse in his past life, a beautiful, strong chestnut gelding...

He does not recall much of his early life as a foal and the furthest back he can remember is when he was sold at the age of four to a gentle-voiced woman.

The woman brought him back to her ranch that sat just on the outskirts of the desert where Kahlo met a man, her husband. A man with rough, callused hands and a friendly smile. The man was fast to put Kahlo to work around the ranch but Kahlo did not mind. He loved the work and he loved the man and he loved the woman.

After some years of working around the ranch, the man and woman had a son. Kahlo loved the boy and the boy loved Kahlo. Many nights the young boy would leave the warmth and comfort of the house to sit with Kahlo in his stable. The boy would fall asleep with his head nestled between Kahlo's neck telling him stories of the ocean.

One year, when the boy was about 7 or 8 years old, the man got sick. Work around the ranch ceased and Kahlo spent more time with the boy. The boy would tell him how worried he was for his father, how sad his mother seemed to get as his father's illness progressed and worsened, and he would tell him stories of the ocean.

The man passed a month later, and the woman was broken. She didn't leave the house anymore and the boy visited Kahlo more often. The ranch started to become overgrown with weeds from being unkempt. The boy would walk with Kahlo and pull the weeds with his hands. As he did, he told Kahlo how he would fix the ranch and make mama feel better. The boy spent more and more nights with Kahlo in his stable, and he would tell him how he planned to restore the ranch and bring mama to the Ocean.

A few months later, the boy grew sick. The same thing that the man had. Kahlo had stopped seeing the boy so much. He would look into their windows that connected to the pasture and would see the boy in bed, sweat caking his face and pain in his eyes. The woman came out more often to see him more often now. Every night she would come to his stable. She would not tell him any stories but she would cry and he knew what those tears meant. He knew that the boy would soon meet the same fate as the man and his heart ached at the thought.

A few days later, the woman came out to Kahlo and began tacking him up, readying him for the wagon. "We are going to the ocean." She told him. I could smell the same sickness on her. She brought the boy out, bundled in blankets, still sweating and sickly and got him into the wagon. And with that, with the wagon full of their belongings, Kahlo started West, towards the ocean. But he knew... He knew the boy would not make it to the ocean. Even so, Kahlo pushed harder than he ever had to do his best to get the boy there. To let the boy see the ocean he's read about and told Kahlo endless stories about.

The boy passed less than a week into the trip. There was no salt in the air, no ocean breeze. Just the hot, dry desert. The woman buried the boy in the desert. She covered the site in stones and made a cross with two sticks to mark his grave and in them, she carved the boy's name. "Kahlo"

The woman released Kahlo though he did not leave her. She laid by the grave. She cried, she did not eat, she did not speak. Heartbreak had overtaken her and for days she did not move. Kahlo shielded her from the hot sun until she made camp out there in the desert by the grave. Kahlo realized he would never be seeing the ocean. Not with the boy and not with the woman. Her sickness progressed and overtook her faster than he had seen done to the man and the boy. One morning, she did not wake from her tent. The next day she had still not left and Kahlo nudged the tent open. He realized that her chest was no longer moving with breath. She too, had passed. Like the man and like the boy. Kahlo was alone in the desert heartbroken and alone.

click for more!



Reference Art



Reference Art

Creator: Jackal #6645

Kahlo has transformed the following Esk...

Esk #2799



Reference Art

#1 Original Form

#2 Losing Their Way

#3 Meeting The Esk

  • In Progress

#4 The Transformation

#5 The Other

#6 Their Purpose

#7 The Threshold

#8 Their Haunt

#9 Shaping Their Environment

#10 First Time Outside Their Boundary



Reference Art

DRawing Notes

  • Kahlo's rock NF around his head does not actually touch his head
  • Kahlo's posture is almost always slouched with his head hung low
  • The neck fur is the shaggy trait and is just particularly long fur in that area that does not follow up to the rest of his neck (not to be depicted as a "head of hair").